Alan Kmiecik

In tune

People who live a life of consistent prayer are much more in tune with God’s presence. Where others see coincidence, they see providence. This gives them a profound sense of peace. They know that God is in charge and that they don’t have to figure out everything for themselves. The world doesn’t rest on their

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Be Happy

Think about the people you know who have a wealth of possessions and yet seem unhappy or unfulfilled. Now think about the people you know who have very little and yet who radiate peace and contentment. Not all the wealthy are unhappy, and neither are all the poor overjoyed but, the truth remains that happiness

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As human beings we naturally desire to transcend our natural circumstances and rise to greatness; the human spirit is created for excellence. The first step toward our personal holiness is to humbly accept that we are totally dependent on God. Every child knows that he is dependent on his parents so,likewise, we must recognize our

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We can’t create patience. It is a gift from God, a virtue, a tool that He gives us to help us become more like Him. Real patience doesn’t come from gritting our teeth and just coping with a difficult person. It comes from being filled with the God’s love. When we love with His perfect

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