Alan Kmiecik


Sometimes it feels that the Lord is right beside us and other times that he is out on foreign business. Pray, hit your knees, believe even when you feel like you are getting nothing out of it. The fruits of faith are far more that what you currently feel.

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Live well…

We want to know what it’s all about,where our life should be going,and what the ending point is. Life is short and it is lived only once. The conflict therein, is to determine what our time will be used for.Use time for good and good things will happen.Use time for bad and good things will

Live well… Read More »

“The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with the Spirit.” The Spirit will guide us to relish what is right, if we make the effort to experience the Spirit. This effort needs

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