Alan Kmiecik

Learn to do good. If I have betrayed someone’s confidence, asking forgiveness is only the beginning. Re-establishing a relationship of mutual trust will require transparency, humble service, and many small acts of kindness on my part. Similarly, it takes time to replace patterns of self-indulgence with habits of compassion and justice

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For the person of little faith it is difficult to understand the supernatural value of human actions. When faith is weak, what God thinks holds little weight because there is an unconscious doubt that God really thinks about what human beings do. Make hidden sacrifices of self during the day that no one but God

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Lord, grant me the simplicity and docility I need to be docile to your will and your inspirations today and always. Help me to find my happiness in fulfilling your will. Help me to overcome the temptations that come to lead me away from your will. I trust in you and the power of your

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When we turn to God every day, he begins to overcome our weaknesses and build up our strengths. He draws out the potential that he created in us, molding us ever more perfectly into his image and likeness. Slowly but surely, we find ourselves able to resist temptation. We find his grace shielding us from

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Lord, Enlighten my mind and fill my heartto recognize all the goodness you have given me.Help me always seek your will in my life.Touch me with your healing grace so that,strengthened by your blessings,I will share your love and mercy.

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Whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy. (James 1:2)Suffering tests and strengthens our faith. Endurance through life’s trials helps us become “mature and complete,” the person God intends us to be.

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