“Therefore, arming yourselves with gentleness, renew yourselves in faith, which is the Flesh of the Lord, and in charity, which is the Blood of Jesus Christ. Hold nothing against your neighbor.” – St Ignatius of Antioch
“Therefore, arming yourselves with gentleness, renew yourselves in faith, which is the Flesh of the Lord, and in charity, which is the Blood of Jesus Christ. Hold nothing against your neighbor.” – St Ignatius of Antioch
“Do not fear any external enemy, conquer yourself; then, you will triumph over the whole world.” ( – Saint Augustine
“It is better to be a Christian without saying it, than to say it without being one. – Ignatius of Antioch
“You’re bored? That’s because you keep your senses awake and your soul asleep.” ― Josemaria Escriva
“I am displeased when a soul yields to vain terrors… Most dear to Me is the soul that strongly believes in My goodness and has complete trust in Me.” – Jesus Christ to Saint Faustina (Diary, 453).
holiness is not the privilege of a few, but the obligation of all – St. Teresa of Calcutta
St. Teresa of Calcutta Read More »
“All will go well, everything will go well” – St. Juliana of Norwich, English mystic of the fourteenth century
“Jesus teaches us that the commandments are not to be understood as a minimum limit we should not exceed, but rather as an open path leading to a moral and spiritual way of perfection, whose most intimate impulse is love” – (John Paul II).
Following the commandments Read More »
St. Cyril of Alexandria, Father and Doctor of the Church, wrote: “If the poison of pride is swelling up in you, turn to the Eucharist; and that Bread, which is your God humbling and disguising Himself, will teach you humility. If the fever of selfish greed rages in you, feed on this Bread; and you