God is with us

” ‘I shall be with you,’ the Lord said.”  Judges 6:16

Life is difficult. Humanity is in a rough spot. We have a fallen nature, a twisted heart (Jer 17:9), and are prone to self-deception.

God doesn’t throw money at us to solve our problems, or enroll us in self-help classes, or send us a therapist to discuss “issues”, or simply eliminate our problems. God sent Jesus, ” ‘Emmanuel,’  ‘God is with us’ ” (Mt 1:23).

Would you rather have good health or the Christ of spiritual health? Would you rather have a life with no problems, or a Savior with you amid your problems? Would you rather have the stuff you want or the Christ who can supply all you need? (Phil 4:19)

To prefer loot instead of the Lord is to live a preview of hell, that is, a life without God (see Catechism, 1035). The great reward of heaven is not riches, but being in the presence of God forever. Commit yourself to Him now.

Prayer: Lord, when I have You with me, I have all I need.

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