Am I living in an illusory world of my own making because I’m not reflecting in faith on the realities and experiences of my life? Contemplate. Make a gratitude list.
Am I living in an illusory world of my own making because I’m not reflecting in faith on the realities and experiences of my life? Contemplate. Make a gratitude list.
“The greatest suffering of the souls in purgatory, it seems to me, is the awareness that something in them displeases God, that they have deliberately gone against His great goodness. I can also see that the divine essence is so pure and light-filled- much more than we can imagine- that the soul that has but
“The greatest suffering of the souls in purgatory, it seems to me, is the awareness that something in them displeases God, that they have deliberately gone against His great goodness. I can also see that the divine essence is so pure and light-filled- much more than we can imagine- that the soul that has but
“I have received so many graces from God, and have not recognized them, and have repaid them with so little of my own.” – St. John of God
You can let them make you belligerent, mean, petty or selfish and grow in cynicism. or You can use them to learn humility, patience, compassion, or acceptance and grow in wisdom.
Humility is the only thing that no devil can imitate. If pride made demons out of angels, there is no doubt that humility could make angels out of demons. – St. John Climacus
[agape (love): “a passionate desire for the well-being of the other”] If I am not a loving person, all else is a waste. If I love as Christ taught, all else is taken care of.
The real test of whether we are returning God’s love is if we are passing on that love to our brothers and sisters.
The real test of whether we are returning God’s love is if we are passing on that love to our brothers and sisters.