is a covenant not a contract
The purpose of spirituality is not to fill oneself with a feeling of peace. The purpose of spirituality is to demonstrate to other the benefits of following Christ. And if that is achieved, beatitude will happen.
Purpose of Spirituality Read More »
Encourage other in Christ daily, Else they may be encouraged by the false glamor and deceit of sin. (see Hebrews 3:13)
Help me Lord to be aware of your presence. Teach me to recognize your presence Fill my heart with gratitude
There is a beauty in living a moral life. “When I was a disciple of Plato, hearing the accusations made against the Christians and seeing them intrepid in the face of death and of all that men fear, I said to myself that it was impossible that they should be living in evil and
The beauty of life Read More »
Perhaps we need to put more order in our lives So that there is more time to spend in focused prayer Perhaps we need more discipline To be a better desciple
To the penitent God provides a way back Return to him and give up sin make your offenses few pray to the LORD